


Vietnam is Canada’s key trading partner, says Minister Mary Ng

Canada has committed to enhancing its presence within the ASEAN region, especially in Vietnam which is Canada’s extremely important partner, said Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development Mary Ng. Illustration Meeting with Phan Van Mai, chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City municipal government, on March 28, Mary Ng said Canada is […]

Điểm tên 5 mặt hàng nông lâm thủy sản xuất khẩu tỷ USD trong quý I/2024

Đến hết quý I/2024, đã có 5 mặt hàng nông lâm thủy sản vào top ‘câu lạc bộ xuất khẩu tỷ USD’, gồm: Gỗ và lâm sản; cà phê; thủy sản; gạo; rau quả. Xuất khẩu gỗ và lâm sản thu về 3,61 tỷ USD Theo Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn, hết […]

2 tháng đầu năm: Malaysia là thị trường nhập khẩu xăng dầu lớn nhất của Việt Nam

Việt Nam nhập khẩu xăng dầu nhiều nhất từ Malaysia trong 02 tháng đầu năm, chiếm hơn 38-39% trong tổng lượng và kim ngạch nhập khẩu, đạt 583.964 tấn. Theo thống kê của Tổng cục Hải quan, nhập khẩu xăng dầu về Việt Nam trong tháng 02/2024 tăng 0,06% về lượng và tăng 4,3% về […]

Vietnam’s Trade Growth Surges in Early 2024, Driven by Exports

Exports jump nearly 20% year-on-year in the first two months of 2024, while imports also see significant growth, leading to a $5 billion trade surplus. Vietnam’s total import-export value reached $113.43 billion in the first two months of 2024, marking an 18.1% increase compared to the same period in 2023, according to preliminary statistics released […]

The Fierce Battle Among Global Investors for Vietnam’s $2.5 Billion Mega Project in Thanh Hoa Unfolds

Five major consortia, including Japanese, Korean, and Thai energy giants, compete for a strategically important power plant project in the north central province of Thanh Hoa. Illustration Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee says five investors have shown keen interest in the development of an LNG thermal power plant complex within the Nghi Son Economic Zone. […]

Dự kiến, hết quý I/2024, xuất khẩu rau quả thu về gần 1,25 tỷ USD

Ước tính sơ bộ, chỉ trong quý I/2024 xuất khẩu rau quả của Việt Nam đã đạt gần 1,25 tỷ USD, tăng 27% so với cùng kỳ năm 2023. Hiệp hội Rau quả Việt Nam cho biết, thống kê sơ bộ của Tổng cục Hải quan cho thấy trong tháng 3/2024 xuất khẩu rau quả đạt 433 […]

Vietnam among Top 10 E&D Asian countries on Global Opportunity Index

Viet Nam ranked 5th among the top 10 emerging and developing (E&D) Asian countries on the Milken Institute’s Global Opportunity Index (GOI). The top 10 E&D Asian countries comprise Malaysia (the 27th in GOI), Thailand (37th), China (39th), Indonesia (55th), Viet Nam (65th), India (72nd), Mongolia (78th), Sri Lanka (82nd), the Philippines (91st) and Cambodia […]

Vietnam becomes second biggest trade partner of Cambodia

Vietnam’s trade with Cambodia hit over US$1.41 billion over the last two months, a year-on-year increase of 30.4 percent, making Vietnam the second biggest trade partner of Cambodia. Illustration Statistics of the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance showed that during January- February this year, Cambodia gained US$801 million from exports to Vietnam and spent […]

Vietnam coffee exports surpass $1 billion, prices hit record highs in 2024

In a remarkable start to 2024, Vietnam’s coffee industry breaks records in the first two months, signaling a prosperous year ahead. Vietnam’s coffee exports have soared to unprecedented heights, according to the Vietnam Customs, reaching 438,000 tons with a turnover of $1.38 billion. This marks a substantial increase of 27.9 percent in volume and a […]

Forestry exports up 47% in Jan-Feb

Vietnam earned 2.68 billion USD from forestry exports in the first two months of 2024, up 47.4% year-on-year, according to the Department of Forestry under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.   The sector enjoyed a trade surplus of about 2.46 billion USD in the period. This year, the agriculture sector is striving for […]

Australia’s largest rice corporation to boost Vietnam investments

Chinh expressed hope that SunRice, with its experience, resources and reputation, will continue contributing to the growth of Vietnam’s rice supply chain. He also hoped that the Australian firm will improve technological transfers; collaborate with Vietnamese firms; work directly with farmers and stabilize output and input for agricultural products; build warehouses; and assist Vietnamese products […]

The world’s leading wind power company develops projects offshore Vietnam

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Mr. Yi-Hua Lu, Asia-Pacific Regional Director of Corio Company of Macquarie Group – Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac Macquarie (1969) is a multi-industry, multinational financial group headquartered and listed in Australia, operating mainly in the fields of financial investment and infrastructure development. Currently, Macquarie has more than 21.000 employees operating in […]