Vietnam is Switzerland’s top priority and important economic partner

Vietnam is Switzerland’s top priority and important economic partner

Both sides expressed their joy at the strong developments in the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of economics, trade, development support, culture, and education; affirmed that the leaders of the two countries regularly maintain contacts and exchange delegations, contributing to strengthening political trust between the two countries.

The Swiss President highly appreciated Vietnam’s outstanding socio-economic development achievements in recent years; affirmed that Vietnam is Switzerland’s top priority and important economic partner in Southeast Asia. The Swiss President pledged to continue providing development aid to Vietnam, with more than 40 projects being implemented in various fields, including sharing experiences on sustainable development, education, and businesses. , innovation.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that the achievements of cooperation between the two countries over the past 50 years are proof of the effective cooperative relationship between the two countries; This is the basis for the two sides to continue to improve their relationship in the coming time.

The Prime Minister proposed that the two sides coordinate closely to prepare well for high-level visits between the two countries, thereby reviewing and evaluating the results of cooperation and proposing measures to further promote cooperation.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Swiss President Viola Amherd in Davos, Switzerland on January 17 - Photo:

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Swiss President Viola Amherd in Davos, Switzerland on January 17 – Photo:

The Prime Minister thanked the Swiss Government for providing ODA, contributing to supporting Vietnam in achieving many socio-economic development achievements; hope to have more Swiss businesses invest in Vietnam; enhance cooperation in science, technology, and innovation; Strengthen security and defense cooperation.

The two leaders also agreed to have a flexible approach in negotiating the Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the bilateral Investment Protection Agreement to facilitate and ensure the interests of businesses and investors of the two countries.

Regarding multilateralism, he affirmed that he will continue to coordinate closely at regional and international forums in the coming time. Regarding the East Sea issue, both sides agreed on the importance of ensuring freedom of navigation and aviation in compliance with international law, and resolving disputes by peaceful means, on the basis of compliance with international law. international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), minimizes the impacts of geopolitical factors on supply chains and the movement of goods regionally and globally.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh thanked and asked the Swiss Government to continue creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Switzerland to integrate well, contribute positively to the development of Switzerland, and also contribute to the development of Switzerland. as contributing to strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Source: VietNam.Vn